Santoshi tole-2,
Dhangadhi, Nepal
Yograj Upadhaya Campus Chief
Dear Parents and Students,
Human aspirations keep changing, as does modern education. We impart our services in the present global context by getting out of the box. Handling textbook problems is one thing, but tackling the intricacies of day-to-day life is something different. Students learn to read open books at SPC to be the Smart student generation of all time rather than bookish, learned fools.
Students don’t trust words but trust actions, and they are more exposed to the excess of modern-day media than teachers are, so, we prioritize par excellence in academics. SPC spotlights life skills, IT literacy, personality development, documentation, presentations, seminars, accounting and talley, theory and fact, foreign languages, guest lecturing, an extensive level of field and group work, informal club activities, and interns. The singular commitment of the college management to providing nationally and internationally competitive education in this region is highly acclaimed.
SPC graduates will be competent enough that they will be looked at, paid attention to, and accepted in worldwide universities and workplaces. The ability they learn here is the conceptual clarity that they improve every time from jangling discord to the greater symphony of humanism, world brotherhood, and sisterhood at a subtle but world level. Our commitment to an e-library, a consortium of bilateral and multilateral ties, and MOUs with national and international universities and colleges for faculty development, research planning, and development would definitely contribute to shaping human minds to be more accountable world citizens.
Think outside the box and experience a new world of education at SPC.